To become a leading Energy Services Company (ESCO) and a provider of Renewable Energy (RE) options by delivering proven energy solutions to clients by improving their financial performance and maintaining environmental sustainability.
To responsibly implement and manage Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) solutions for clients.
TREES Mantra: Collaborate with our clients for a long-term strategic partnership that creates “Greener Wealth.”
The Concept of Greener Wealth
TREES established EE and RE operations in the Philippines has increased the profitability for our clients. These projects generate energy savings by reducing costs and increasing profits by replacing existing equipment across multiple technologies (Lighting, BMS and HVAC, cogeneration, and trigeneration) with new and more energy-efficient equipment. TREES future projects include Renewable Energy components like Waste to Energy (WTE), Waste to Liquid (WTL), introducing more energy-efficient motors, using flue or flare gasses, and Solar Photovoltaic Systems.
These encompassing energy-saving sustainable options like EE and RE increase our clients’ profit (Greener Wealth). Hence, our clients enhance their “Green” credentials.
Therefore, EE + RE = Greatest Sustainable Savings = Greener Wealth.
Total Renewable and Energy Efficiency Solutions Corporation (TREES Corporation) has acquired expertise through its formerly associated company (Total Energy Solutions (TES)) in Australia. TES, an earlier group company of Kaltimex, successfully implemented numerous EE projects in upgrading facilities of hospitals, universities, colleges, schools, commercial buildings, leisure/aquatic centers, entertainment facilities, administration centers, museums, libraries, courthouses, and correctional facilities. TREES established substantial technical expertise to develop, finance, and execute RE and EE projects successfully based on thoughtful design and construction. Reliable engineering principles and proven technologies achieve energy savings or produce end products via current, environmentally friendly technologies.
K. K. Ralhan
Group Chairman / Director
Mr. K. K. Ralhan (K.K.) is the owner and founder of Kaltimex Group. He is the company’s Group Chairman under Kaltimex Group in Indonesia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Myanmar.
He graduated as a Mechanical Engineer in 1970 from India and has a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing and Sales Management. He has more than five decades of professional experience working in the industrial field. Under his watch, and within 25 years, Kaltimex Group has achieved installations encompassing 1800MW of power, mostly in Bangladesh and Indonesia. He has now set his vision to ramp up Group’s business in Renewable Energy space.
Mr. Oscar A. Torralba
President / Director
Oscar A. Torralba, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), is an alumnus of the University of the East, cum laude, with post-graduate studies at the University of the Philippines and Kellogg School of Management. At PricewaterhouseCoopers
He is a member of the Board of Regents of a major university in the country, a trustee of non-profit foundations for the cause of education and community development, chairman of the national technical panel for management and business education program of the Commission of Higher Education (CHED), Chairman of the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) National Committee on Agribusiness and Countryside Development.
All in keeping with his lifelong mantra “If I am only for myself, then what am I.”

J. Ralhan
Vice-Chair / Director
With over four decades of professional experience, a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore University, India, and a Postgraduate in Industrial Quality Control and Operation Research from Bouwcentrum Institute, Holland, Jayashree Ralhan oversees every aspect of the business at Kaltimex Group.
She integrates the various functions of the group with the professionalism that is evident in management, focusing on Business Strategy, Planning, System Development of Operations, ensuring good governance with proper Compliance, Legal, HR & GA policies.
Outside Kaltimex Group, she has also held several positions in India at reputable companies like Engineers India Ltd., National Thermal Power Corporation. In Indonesia, with Indomobil Group of Companies, she held various management positions focusing on the production and distribution of automobiles such as Suzuki, Mazda, Hino, Volvo, Audi, and Nissan over 30 years. The pinnacle of her contribution best represents as Director appointed by Hino Motors, Japan, in Hino Indonesia from 2003 to 2016.


Courtesy visit to Secretary Alfonso Cusi at the Department of Energy
Range of Services
TREES offers the following EE and RE services to clients in the Philippines:
Energy Audit and Management
Energy Performance Contracting
Turnkey Design and Construction
Project Finance Facility
RE Projects and Technologies

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TREES has its team of professionals working on EE and RE projects in the Philippines.
TREES is also committed to developing the EE and RE industry in the Philippines and contributing its expertise to assist with government EE and RE policies and programs.
TREES has a long-term goal and the relevant first-hand experience to play a constructive and positive role in the development of the EE and RE industry in the Philippines.
TREES understand that the economic limitations of the Philippines caused by the high cost of energy and the restrictions facing generation capacity.
By contributing to building a robust EE and RE industry in the Philippines, TREES activities can help increase the nation’s energy savings, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and achieve GHG reduction at the business end-user level.
TREES is an independent ESCO. TREES is not a manufacturer of a product, and so has no conflict of interest or bias in recommending specific products or software platforms as part of an EE or RE solution.
Key Difference
TREES takes a holistic, complete facility approach when assessing energy and water savings initiatives for clients.
Considering that there is no single, simple technical answer, our goal involves designing and constructing the best possible solution for each client via a tailored engineering assessment of their specific facilities.
Our objective is to offer our clients a comprehensive project that saves the most energy and money by integrating multiple technologies. Therefore, our clients receive the most significant asset upgrade of their facility, which is in line with their investment guidelines.
Where Energy Star or Green Building ratings apply, TREES can achieve the highest level of ‘Green Building Assessment’ for its clients by designing and constructing a TREES EE and RE upgrade project.
TREES has access to project finance arrangements, where the project cost can be re-paid by the energy savings achieved by the project over time. These savings could be guaranteed by TREES, under certain conditions.
By TREES Corporation
By Kaltimex Energy Bangladesh
By Kaltimex Group’s former company in Australia – TES
Awarded the (ESBN) Asia-Pacific Green Deal Silver badge
We are delighted to have been awarded the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) Asia-Pacific Green Deal Silver badge for 2024, as a testament to our commitment towards sustainability and our efforts in reporting ESG metrics aligned with stakeholders’ needs for consistent, comparable, and shareable data.
To advocate for business leadership in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ESBN has partnered with Asia’s leading ESG data and technology company STACS to launch the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal for Businesses Program, on STACS’s ESGpedia.
By attaining the ESBN Asia-Pacific Green Deal badge, we are able to future-proof and be better positioned to leverage on ESG opportunities, strengthening our competitive edge across Asia. With the badge showcased on our corporate ESG profile on ESGpedia, it also allows us to gain greater visibility and recognition of our sustainability efforts amongst potential customers, investors, and financiers.
H.E. Ahod B Ebrahim the Chief Minister of BARMM honored pioneer foreign investor Kaltimex.
H.E. Ahod B Ebrahim the Chief Minister of BARMM honored pioneer foreign investor Kaltimex in Tawi Tawi in the presence of the “Consul General of Indonesia to Davao” H.E. Agus Trenggono on 19th Aug 24, Cotabato, capital of the autonomous region of Muslim Mindanao.
Appreciation Certificate by Bangsamoro Board of Investment (BBOI)
On February 12, 2024, the Kaltimex Rural Energy Corp. (KREC) team welcomed the Bangsamoro Board of Investment (BBOI), headed by Chairman Mohamad Pasigan and Board Governor Datu Habib Ambolodto to 1st quarter monitoring and supervision of the Tawi-Tawi pioneer power plant. A certificate of appreciation was handed over to Kaltimex by Chairman Pasigan to acknowledge its efforts in fulfilling local business and property tax obligations and adherence to ethical business practices that contribute to the economic growth and development of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
Kaltimex Receives Sustainability Excellence Award
In May 2023, Kaltimex Group’s HQ received Green Freight Asia’s (GFA’s) Sustainability Excellence Award as an acknowledgment of its commitment to sustainable practices and the 1 Leaf Status (out of 4) as a commitment to increase freight fuel efficiency and minimize transport-related CO2 emissions.
Visit by Lt. Gen. Galido to Kaltimex Energy Group’s Tawi Tawi Power Plant.
On February 27th, 2023, Lt. Gen. Galido, the commander of the Western Mindanao Command (WESMINCOM), and Brigadier General Romeo T. Racadio, the 2nd Marine Brigade commander, visited Kaltimex Energy Group’s 8 MW Tawi Tawi Power Plant. The visit aimed to survey the plant, which successfully provides electricity to a remote community in the Philippines. Kaltimex Energy’s Chairman, Mr. K.K. Ralhan, appreciated and thanked Gen. Galido for his good wishes and support as the Tawi Tawi plant enters its fifth year of operation.
Kaltimex’s Journey in the Philippines reached 100 million Kilowatt Hours.
PE2 receives LCEP’s ESCO survey results on DBP E2SAVE program

MAKATI CITY, 10 December 2021 – Officers and members of the Philippine Energy Efficiency Alliance (PE2) actively participated in a presentation made by the UK Government’s ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme (LCEP) on the energy service company (ESCO) survey findings on E2SAVE Energy Efficiency Savings Financing Program of the Development Bank of the Philippines(DBP).
The forum was held to present the summarized results of the LCEP survey and to allow DBP to respond to the suggestions received from potential E2SAVE borrowers. The event likewise allowed participants to interact with LCEP and DBP.
Josephine Orense of the UK Prosperity Fund Programme formally opened the event, while Laurie B. Navarro, the LCEP-EE Component National Project Coordinator presented the survey results. In response, Rustico Noli Cruz, DBP’s AVP and Head of the E2SAVE Program presented the Bank’s views or proposed action on each point of the LCEP survey results.
LCEP’s general findings include: (i) Only 50% of the respondents were aware of the E2SAVE Financing Program; (ii) Respondents find the distinction between general collateral requirements and specific collateral requirements (public, private, ESCOs) unclear or confusing; and, (iii) DBP’s E2SAVE Financing Program is seen as the most ESCO-friendly financing program available because it accepts the assignment of receivables as collateral, while other local financial institutions do not.
Navarro reported that most respondents find the 20% equity requirement acceptable. However, smaller ESCOs find this too high, and it will be challenging to raise equity for large ticket projects. The survey respondents suggest a 10% equity requirement for private sector EE projects and 0% equity for public sector EE projects undertaken by ESCOs. Respondents also generally find DBP’s interest rate at par with commercial rates.
The LCEP survey also shows that the market finds the availability of short-term loans (that is, with less than 1 year tenor) acceptable to most respondents, but finds the 10-year loan tenor too short for large projects that need longer periods for capital recoupment, such waste heat recovery and district cooling systems.
ESCOs were generally pleased that DBP accepted Deeds of Assignment of Receivables supported by Purchase Order or Contracts amd Chattel Mortgage on the equipment to be procured as collateral to secure the E2SAVE loands. ESCOs typically do not own real estate assets that can be used as collateral.
DBP’s Cruz said that it remains flexible and open to modify the E2SAVE requirements through time, provided the borrowers and the ESCO industry could provide compelling financial models for the Bank to consider.
PE2 president Alexander Ablaza said, “PE2 and its members thanks LCEP for the survey and for DBP’s willingness to flex the E2SAVE framework. PE2 commends DBP for being the most proactive energy efficiency lender that endeavors to understand the ESCO business model and the needs of the ESCO sector.”
Other PE2 participants included vice president for internal affairs Ruth Yu-Owen, vice president for external affairs Theresa Acedillo-Lapuz, and K.K. Ralhan, principal representative of active PE2 regular member, TREES Corporation.
The ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme is a $15m aid programme of the UK’s Property Fund. In close collaboration with local and international entities from both the public and private sectors, the programme seeks to hep ASEAN harness the benefits from the deployment of low carbon energy by leveraging the UK’s extensive and proven expertise in green finance and energy efficiency.
The two (2) key pillars are Green Finance and Energy Efficiency and the 4 areas of support are policy support, capacity building, technical assistance and market development in 6 partner countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
Certificate of Appreciation to Kaltimex
The Indonesian Consul General Presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Kaltimex Rural Energy Corporation, A Subsidiary of PT. Kaltimex Energy Which is a Power Generation Company in Indonesia. Read the full article here